

Logical or not, I believe in some superstitions. As an example I’m going to tell you a story that happened in my childhood, it was one day before Christmas. My mother, who normally seems happy, had a gloomy face, was quiet, and was looking around the kitchen; surely thinking what to cook to celebrate Christmas and the New Year.

It was a tough year. We were financially broken, even though my father had worked very hard. He had hardly made enough money to pay the rent. While my mother and brothers had concentrated all their efforts to pay the other bills, and to buy the daily food. As child, I did my best too, every Friday I went to the open market in front of my house to sell flowers that my mother raised in the small yard we had.

Suddenly, we heard the bell ringing. It was my neighbor, who like an angel, came into my house to give us a Christmas gift. She brought a green corn and explained to my mother that if she put it behind the kitchen door in the first hour of the New Year, and to repeat this every year we would be fortunate forever. Also, she left some money to buy groceries, so that my mother would be able to buy turkey, Panetonne*, and everything we usually had to make the super for Christmas and for the New Year.

It was a magic moment for all my family. We’ll always be thankful for her kindness. Since then, our lives had changed. Actually, we followed this superstition for many years and we had fun doing it. For now, we keep the tradition to cook lentil and to make the 7 fruit salad** for the New Year which represents fortune too.

* Panettone is a italian Christmas bread made with raisins and candied fruits.

** If you want make my mother 7 fruits salad, it’s very easy and delicious. Choose 7 season fruits of your preference, peeled and diced. Mix the fruits with sugar, one can of condensed milk, and heavy cream. Enjoy it!

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